Let’s keep our people safe and our economy strong!

Posted by Carlos Renteria on

Let’s keep our people safe and our economy strong!

Covid-19 has impacted every aspect of our lives and we need to look to the future and rise with resilience. As a cleaning company that works for the top general contractors and management companies in Jacksonville, I feel it is our responsibility to help find ways to maintain the health and safety of employees and clients everywhere with additional cleaning of workstations and common areas. We need to identify high touch point areas that need to be constantly cleaned, as well as, install hand sanitizer dispensers at doorways, elevators and common areas so people can constantly sanitize their hands. We also recommend a weekly enhanced disinfecting mist application over all surfaces in the workplace for added protection and prevention.

I am optimistic and I believe this will pass but who knows when. We just need to keep moving forward and adapt to a new normal.


By: Eder Bonilla 

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